Sunday, January 16, 2011

New things are happening.

Well, AGPPA isn't happening for us anymore. We're forced to go to our old school again. I STILL won't have my old boyfriend, because he's now going to AGPPA. Caleb is coming with us, but he won't stay with us. Kanani is staying at AGPPA until Miranda has enough money, so she's not coming. At the very least, the first dance for 2011 is on Friday, like all great dances. That means I can go to two dances in two weeks! Same for Chrissa. Oh, I forgot to mention, Chrissa's boyfriend, Ethan, is also coming with us! She's happy, but she found a love note by her computer yesterday, so she's confused about whether or not two boys like her. Now this is more like a ramble, so I'll go now. :D


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