Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Kanani left. She wasn't for real. She wanted to boost my confidence and trust so she could ruin my life. Everyone is happy. But me. Lanie found out about a nature program in AGPPA that saves the rain forest. Sonali is having fun with Nathan. Kirsten just bought a kindle, and she's at a coffee shop to buy books on Amazon with their free Internet connection. Gwen and Hollie are at a singing competition in the auditorium. Chrissa is outside crying her eyes out. Felicity and Elizabeth are taking the offer of free horse riding at school. I'm sitting here. all alone. No one to talk to but my broken heart. As I'm typing, I'm pulling the petals of a daisy. Just pulling them out; not saying anything, not looking at anything. Just mindlessly pulling off petals, occasionally watching them fall from my top bunk to the floor. The occasional tear streamed down my cheek. This is life. Spent alone.

"How's it going, Lily?" A familiar, soft voice coaxed.

I didn't react. I just continued pulling out petals.
The girl jumped up onto my bed and sat down next to me.

"Okay. What's wrong?" Gwen's deep brown eyes pierced the silence.
"I'm alone." I managed to squeak out. The tears got faster.
"No you're not. I'm here, too." Gwen replied.
"Be alone somewhere else."
"If it makes you feel better, Hollie's singing SUCKED, and it's hilarious. Do you want to watch her sing?"
"DID YOU NOT HEAR ME?! GO. AWAY!!!" I yelled at her.

Gwen swiftly got up, and hopped off my bed. Her tears fell softly to the floor. I grabbed my pillow and buried my face in it. The one person who I thought understood me other than Lanie, had betrayed me. How could Kanani do this to me? I let her stay with us while she was here, and she did THAT to me?!

Where did the respectful, bright girl I thought I knew go? How could she have stole something of that much importance from me? Why does the world seem to turn on me like this?

Questions need answers, like I need a true friend.



Hannah said...

Could you put some romantic stuff in here? Like maybe you find a boy, and you like him or something? :) You don't have to. I was just wondering. Hannah

Miranda said...

I could do that... if Sonali can find a boyfriend, and if Chrissa can, too, than I guess I could, too!
