Sunday, July 3, 2011


Actually, this isn't as "cool" as I thought it would be but most of you know that I play the doll-sized flute, right? RIGHT?!?! WELL, anyway, That's no more! As of a while from now... But, I'm still playing an instrument, well, i PLAN to! I'm going to play the cello, because you know, It's classy, and I just think my idea is so... Original! Besides, I like bass instruments. ;) I'm SUPER excited! Besides, then when Charlotte comes, I can just give her my old flute(because Miranda plays flute in band, and Charlotte is a mini-version of Miranda, so it's just logic!) That way, there's no "hard-feelings" about me having to "sell" my flute(in reality, put it on a shelf in the room next door to Miranda's; the library.) I'm not sure where Charlotte will sleep, though... I DO know she "needs" her own room, and HOW did I start typing this?! I have a problem... BUT I'M SO FLIPPIN' EXCITED!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D I think it's cool, and THEN I can get a fancy dress for when I perform instead of just wearing a really ugly(in my opinion) plaid skirt and pink sweater! D: I know, TORTURE!!! Well, I'm rambling now, so... bye, I guess...(I'm terrible at ending anything, ESPECIALLY videos! D: )


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